Professional Development Resources

Are you looking for a mentor? an education-related conference? additional education-related resources?

Education-Related Conferences

Conferences offer the opportunity not only for professional development but an opportunity to promote education related innovation and teaching methodology. Many of the conferences seek proposals, facilitators, and panelists. Follow the links below to learn more about each organization and their dates for proposal submission.

Center for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning

CIRTL is a network of 42 top PhD-producing universities committed to improving the preparation of future faculty (GA’s and Post-Docs) through evidence-based professional development programming. UConn’s institutional membership opens up extensive cross-network programming for graduate students (i.e. virtual webinars, workshops, courses) from network partners.

The Teaching Professor and Magna Digital Library

As a member of our campus community, you have free access to this online resource from Magna Publications. 20-Minute Mentor Commons offers on-demand versions of their popular 20-Minute Mentor programs, covering a broad range of faculty development topics. Sign up today and help energize your higher education career.

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity

As a UConn faculty member or teaching assistant you are eligible to a no-cost subaccount to CETL's NCFDD Institutional Membership. NCFDD Institutional Membership offers relevant professional development training, intense and reliable support from highly-trained and successful mentors, a confidential “safe space” for problem-solving and peer-mentoring, and a convenient virtual format so you can learn at your own convenience.

Quality Matters (QM)

UConn has an institutional membership to the Quality Matters Organization (QM), a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and improving the quality of online education and student learning. QM offers training, resources, standards, and guidelines for the design, development, and teaching of online and mixed mode courses. Faculty, staff, administrators, and teaching assistants on all levels are invited to take advantage of UConn’s institutional membership to access the free resources from Quality Matters. eCampus and UConn Online also have funds available to support limited access to special professional development offerings through Quality Matters. Requests for participating in paid professional development can be submitted to

Inclusive STEM Teaching Project

A self-paced online course complemented by a synchronous  facilitated learning community is available to UConn employees that are interested to advance the awareness, self-efficacy, and ability to cultivate inclusive learning environments for students.

Teaching and Learning Academy by Gardner Institute

Faculty, staff, administrators, or teaching assistants on all levels are invited to take advantage of UConn’s Institutional membership to resources from the Teaching and Learning Academy (TLA) hosted by the Gardener Institute.

Faculty Spotlights

The University of Connecticut has amazing faculty who are committed to excellence in teaching, research and service. CETL would like to spotlight some of these incredible faculty.


Inspirational Teaching, Bookshelf Essentials, Assessment of Learning, Course Development


Ted Talks, Thought Provoking, Humorous

How Can We Help You?

Our professional staff and faculty are available to help you with questions. From uploading your syllabus, navigating HuskyCT, to educational technologies as learning tools, to creating an online course from scratch. We are here to help!

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