Integrating Technology in the Classroom

When aligned with learning objectives and course outcomes, educational technology can deepen student learning and faculty satisfaction with teaching.  It can be challenging to select the right educational technology. At a minimum, faculty are encouraged to align their technology choices with their specific situation including class size, discipline, learning outcomes, mode of delivery, teaching needs, comfort with technology, and any other unique factors. This will certainly increase the chances for success.

Review the teaching needs listed here as well as potential solutions and associated tools.

Teaching Need Technology Solution Example tools
Allowing students to review content that they found
difficult to understand during lectureIncreasing in class active learning and collaboration
by moving lecture online

Creating recordings to be used by students for review
and/or preparation for class

Archiving lectures and classroom activities for
course planning.

Providing access to lectures for students who
miss class.

Providing access to guest lecturers and experts at
remote locations

Lecture Capture Technology Kaltura


Managing, sharing and collaborating on large files
associated with group projectsImproving group process and decision making

Enhancing small group discussions during lectures

Team-building through peer evaluation

Online Collaboration Tools Google Drive

Office 365

Whole class or small group discussion of
class materialsFacilitating synchronous online group interactions
outside of class

Responding to out of class assignments,
readings, viewings

Online debates

Facilitating collaboration and teamwork
among students

Allowing for extension of in class discussion
and activities

Providing a space for students to ask questions of
each other and the faculty member

Engaging in discussion with the wider community

Enabling students to collect, share and discuss
relevant resources with each other

Online Discussion Tools, Polling Tools HuskyCT Discussion Board



Offer office hours to off-campus and fully online students

Facilitate group interaction or conduct student meetings

Team-teach with instructors at another university

Connect students to native speakers in language classes

Interview experts/guests

Collaborate with classes at other universities

Virtual "field trips"

Online Voice and Video Conferencing Collaborate Ultra


Google Meets

Assessing students’ prior knowledge and identifying
misconceptions before introducing a new subjectProviding evidence of learning for students during class

Checking students’ understanding of new material

Starting class discussion on difficult topics

Using Peer Instruction and other active
learning techniques

Administering tests and quizzes during lecture

Gathering feedback on teaching

Validating and tracking class participation

Personal Response System iClicker

Further Resources for
Integrating Technology in the Classroom

CETL’s Educational Technologies department provides extensive resources on the use of technology in the classroom. They also provide training for instructors on many of the technology tools listed above.

20-Minute Mentor Tips

Thanks to our institution subscription to 20-Minute Mentor you have countless teaching tip videos available at the click of a button. Here are a few related to this topic:

How do I align learning objectives with technology using backward design? 

How can I align technology with my pedagogical goals?

If you have not signed up for your subaccount, here is how: