The syllabus acts as a contract with your students, and: provides contact information; describes the course; connects the description to the UConn course catalog; explicates course goals and objectives; lists required materials; describes the schedule, assignments, and assessments; and clarifies grading and other policies and expectations.
How to design a syllabus is unique to the instructor. This web page provides the following rules and guidance:
- Syllabus elements required by the University Senate By-Laws
- Descriptions of key elements
- A optional template for an accessible syllabus
- A guide for using the template, including boilerplate language and common links
- Sample syllabi
- Guidance on content warnings
- Guidance on course AI policy statements
Required syllabus elements
The University Senate By-Laws.pdf (2024) stipulate that “instructors shall provide, in writing on the first day of class, syllabi and schedules if not included in syllabi, to students in their courses, including internships and independent studies. Instructors shall specify what will be taught; when and how it will be taught; when and how learning will be assessed; if, when, and how missed assignments (for which medical documentation cannot be required) will be handled; how grades will be assigned; and (for distance education courses) how student identity will be authenticated.” In addition, instructors are required to include a link to the Policy on Academic, Scholarly, and Professional Integrity and Misconduct on their syllabi.
Although the syllabus is a contract, it should not be simply a list of prohibitions. Think of it as a communication tool in which your students can read about your expectations of them and develop their ideas about their expectations for you and your class.
Description of key elements
Each course at UConn is unique. Because the syllabus reflects the course and the instructor, each syllabus is unique as well. At their most basic, here are the essential elements:
- Contact information and office hours—List your classroom, office and office hours. Also provide all applicable contact information (phone numbers, email addresses, etc.).
- Course Description—Find a description of the course in the course catalog (undergraduate catalog; graduate catalog). The General Education Oversight Committee provides additional information on all Gen Ed courses (to be Common Curriculum in fall, 2025). The description you provide in the syllabus may be a combination of these with additional information about your unique course.
- Course Goals and Objectives - A well-developed course is designed around specific course goals and student-learning objectives; these goals and objectives should be articulated for your students. CETL has developed a resource sheet on learning objectives or visit our learning objectives page.
- Required Materials - Articulate all materials (books, articles, technology, etc.) students will need to complete the course.
- Schedule – This schedule should include intended topics for each session, any pre-class requirements, and materials (texts or technology) that are necessary that class. It makes sense to identify the schedule on your syllabus as “tentative” or “subject to change” and to discuss with students how they will be notified of schedule changes.
- Assignments and Assessments - The more detail you provide in these areas, the more informed and prepared your students will be.
- Grading structure – This should include the percentage of grade contribution from each assignment or assessment, along with how letter grades are determined. Please be aware that the University prohibits grading attendance at class; however, for students who receive an F or Incomplete you will be asked for the last known date of contact. CETL has provided a tip sheet on avoiding grading on attendance or participation.pdf. The University Senate Sub-committee on Scholastic Standing has provided examples of make-up policy statements.docx, which you can download and adapt for your syllabus. Please be sure to consult the university policy on religious accommodations.
- Policy statement – This includes your class policies and the University’s policies. The Office of the Provost has created References for Syllabi Links to highlight specific policies and information recommended for inclusion in syllabi. The Senate By-Laws require instructors to specify how late work and missed assignments and assessments will be handled, but the instructor shall determine that policy, and describe it on the syllabus. In addition, instructors are required to post a link to the university senate's academic integrity and academic misconduct policy.
CETL Syllabus Template
CETL offers a syllabus template that meets the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements and is available for download.
Faculty from various disciplines have offered their syllabi as samples for faculty looking to create one.
For sample text specific to content/trigger warnings, and to the use of artificial intelligence (AI), please see below.
- Use a friendly and inviting tone Convey procedures and expectations, but also express the excitement inherent to the content you teach
- Revise and improve your syllabus. Create a syllabus before the start of your course, but don’t stop there; continue to revise the syllabus—perhaps marking it up throughout the semester—to improve it for the next time you teach the course.
- Make sure your syllabus is accessible. ITS has created resources on making documents accessible.
- Stay aware of the academic calendar. As you develop your schedule for the semester, always refer to the academic calendar. Also be mindful of religious holidays.
- Post your syllabus. Students have an expectation that a syllabus will be available to them at the start of the course, so be sure that your syllabus is readily accessible. HuskyCT is a great place to post your syllabus.
- Introduce the syllabus to your students. Introduce the syllabus to your students on the first day of class. If necessary, show them how to read the syllabus; perhaps even conduct a group activity (e.g., a syllabus scavenger hunt) or quiz to ensure that students have read and understand all components of the syllabus.
- Be aware of how to proceed if you suspect a student of academic misconduct. Community Standards has developed procedures pertaining to academic misconduct. These are available on their website: Academic Misconduct Procedures for Instructors. Faculty should be aware of them prior to teaching a course.
Trigger and Content Warning Templates for Syllabi
(Note: best practice suggests that a statement of Content or Trigger Warning in the syllabi, coupled with a verbal announcement before the class where the material referred is presented, supports a safe, inclusive, engaged learning environment)
Content Warning
I acknowledge that each of you comes to UConn with your own unique life experiences. This contributes to the way you perceive various types of information. In [class name], all of the class content, including that which may be intellectually or emotionally challenging, has been intentionally curated to achieve the learning goals for this course. The decision to include such material is not taken lightly. These topics include [list topics]. If you encounter a topic that is intellectually challenging for you, it can manifest in feelings of discomfort and upset. In response, I encourage you to come talk to me or your friends or family about it. Class topics are discussed for the sole purpose of expanding your intellectual engagement in the area of [subject/major], and I will support you throughout your learning in this course.
Trigger Warning
I acknowledge that each of you comes to UConn with your own unique life experiences. This contributes to the way you perceive several types of information. In [class name], we will cover a variety of topics, some of which you may find triggering. These topics include [list topics]. Each time this topic appears in a reading or unit, it is marked on the syllabus. The experience of being triggered versus intellectually challenged are different. The main difference is that an individual must have experienced trauma to experience being triggered, whereas an intellectual challenge has nothing to do with trauma. If you are a trauma survivor and encounter a topic in this class that is triggering for you, you may feel overwhelmed or panicked and find it difficult to concentrate. In response, I encourage you to take the necessary steps for your emotional safety. This may include leaving class while the topic is discussed or talking to a therapist at SHaW Mental Health. Should you choose to sit out on discussion of a certain topic, know that you are still responsible for the material; but we can discuss if there are other methods for accessing that material, and for assessing your learning on that material. Class topics are discussed for the sole purpose of expanding your intellectual engagement in the area of [subject/major], and I will support you throughout your learning in this course.
Templates for Syllabus Statements related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) use on course work
Please see CETL's information about ChatGPT and other AI tools.
Sample # 1 (Permitting use of Generative AI)
Academic Integrity
In this course we’ll conduct ourselves as a community of scholars and writers, recognizing that academic study is both an intellectual and ethical enterprise. Please build on the ideas and texts of others–that’s a vital part of academic life. You may certainly discuss readings and assignments outside of class, study in groups, share drafts with classmates or friends, and go to the Writing Center with your drafts.
When you use or borrow or closely imitate another’s ideas or language–or even syntax–you must formally acknowledge that debt by signaling it with a standard form of academic citation. This means documenting not just direct quotations but also paraphrases and summaries. In less formal or creative genres, you may show your debt to a source (or classmate!) with a signal phrase (“According to Jose Calabra….”) or acknowledgement statement (“In this essay I drew inspiration from…I got the_____ idea from Kayla during peer review.”). If you have any questions about when and how to credit the work of others, please come talk to me.
You are welcome to use AI writing tools such as ChatGPT on most assignments (I’ll alert you when you can’t) but whenever you use them, you must include an acknowledgement statement that briefly shares that and how you used them. For example, “I used ChatGPT when I was struck at the start and retained substantial parts of what it produced, including X and Y ideas and most of the wording in paragraphs 3 and 4” or “After I wrote my first 2 paragraphs, I used GPT-3 playground to extend the text for another 200 words but then edited…” Please also note that all large language models still tend to make up incorrect facts and fake citations. You will be responsible for any inaccurate, biased, offensive, or otherwise unethical content you submit, regardless of whether it originally comes from you or an AI tool (these last 2 sentences adapted from the course policies of Ryan S. Baker.pdf, University of Pennsylvania).
If you engage in intentional academic dishonesty–whether plagiarizing or submitting the work of others or copying from others on a test or failing to acknowledge use of AI or other tools–you will fail not only that assignment but the course.
Sample # 2 (Prohibiting use of Generative AI)
All students are expected to act in accordance with the Guidelines for Academic Integrity at the University of Connecticut. If you have questions about academic integrity or intellectual property, you should consult with me or consult UConn’s guidelines for academic integrity. Posting course material on student tutoring and course sharing websites (e.g. Chegg, Course Hero) may be a violation of my copyright and intellectual property and a violation of academic integrity. Many of you may also be aware of the recent release of ChatGPT3, a Large Language artificial intelligence (AI) model that has the capacity to quickly produce text on a range of topics. ChatGPT3 aggregates the ideas and insights of many researchers without giving them credit. Submitting ChatGPT-generated text as your own work would be an act of plagiarism insofar as it would involve passing off the work of others as your own. For these reasons, you are not allowed to use this ChatGPT or other similar produce essays or other academic work for this class, unless otherwise explicitly permitted to do so. You should also know that the university has AI detection software that distinguishes between AI generated content and human generated content.
For additional samples, see Lance Eaton's collection of syllabus policies.
Helpful Resource:
The Chronicle of Higher Education published a helpful guide entitled "How to Create a Syllabus" which you may find useful while drafting or revising your syllabus.
Additional Resources:
Bunce, D. M. “Teaching is More than Lecturing and Learning is More than Memorizing.”
Journal of Chemical Education, 2009, 86 (6), 674-680.
DiClementi, J. D. and Handelsman, M. M. “Empowering Students: Class-Generated Rules.”
Teaching of Psychology, 2005, 32 (1), 18-21.
Dornsife, R. “Good Teaching as Vulnerable Teaching.” Teaching Professor, December, 2012.
Gibson, L. “Self-directed Learning: An Exercise in Student Engagement. College Teaching,
2011 59 (3), 95-101.
Hudd, S. S. “Syllabus Under Construction: Involving Students in the Creation of Class
Assignments.” Teaching Sociology, 2003, 31 (2), 195-202.
O’Brien, J. G., Millis, B. J., and Cohen, M. W. The Course Syllabus: A Learner-Centered
Approach, 2nd Ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.
Singham, M. . “Moving Away from the Authoritarian Classroom.” Change, May/June 2005,
- 51-57.
Singham, M. “Death to the Syllabus.” Liberal Education, 2007, 93 (4), 52-56.
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