CETL Staff


Director placeholder headshot


Director, CETL

Kathleen Carnelli

Kathleen Carnelli

Assistant to the Director, CETL

(860) 486-0457

Kathleen provides direct administrative support to the Director of CETL including calendar management, meeting coordination, and managing day to day inquiries and correspondence.

Educational Technologies

Daniel Facchinetti

Daniel Facchinetti

Director of Educational Technologies

(860) 486-5799

Dan oversees the operations of the Educational Technologies Office and leads support across the university on the use of HuskyCT, video conferencing, recording technologies, student response systems, and other educational technology platforms as part of teaching across all modalities. Dan also leads EdTech's involvement in the evaluation and implementation of new products and platforms that might benefit students and instructors.

JVinikoor image

Jordan Vinikoor

Educational Technologist

(860) 486-1760

Jordan supports faculty in their use and adoption of a wide array of educational technologies including HuskyCT, Webex, Kaltura, Voicethread, and many others. He assists with the daily support EdTech provides to the university, offers workshops, develops online resources, and holds one-on-one consultations of a wide variety of EdTech matters.

Faculty Development

Laurie McCarty headshot

Laurie McCarty

Executive Director of Faculty Development


Laurie coordinates faculty development efforts across the campus community, working closely with the faculty development team, CETL colleagues, and campus leaders. She is an experienced faculty member, educational developer, and higher education administrator whose career began in special education and teacher preparation. Her research interests include change leadership, educational development, and reflective practice. In her faculty and leadership roles, Laurie has engaged in efforts to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice while supporting faculty and staff in all aspects of their professional growth.


Tina Huey

Tina Huey

Associate Director of Faculty Development


In workshops and one-on-one consultations with faculty, graduate students, and staff, Tina facilitates reflective practice to support continuous development of teaching methods and course design. She is particularly interested in designing activities to enhance student engagement, meta-cognition, and classroom community.


Martina Rosenberg

Martina Rosenberg

Director of Teaching and Learning Assessment


Martina provides academic units with guidance on meaningful Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness (ATE, f.k.a. SET+) and equitable course assessment practices. Through, initiatives, workshops, and consultations she is promoting evidence-based pedagogy, scholarly teaching, scholarship in education and professional growth for faculty, staff and graduate students. She is leading the HHMI funded Inclusive Excellence team at UConn, one example of her engagement in organizational learning.

Xiaochen Liu PhD

Xiaochen Liu, PhD

Faculty Development Specialist


Xiaochen works with faculty and teaching assistants at UConn and provides support remotely to faculty, students and staff at Schwarzman College--Tsinghua University. Her primary focus is on pedagogically aligned educational technologies for in-person, hybrid, and remote learning, and effective utilization of the Blackboard Learning Management System to enhance student learning outcomes.

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Rachel Prunier

Rachel Prunier

Director for Teaching and Learning in the Life and Physical Sciences
Lecturer in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


Rachel is co-appointed between CETL and CLAS. In her role at CETL she focusses on helping graduate students and faculty teaching large courses to develop and refine their teaching practices to make their classes more inclusive. She is particularly passionate about supporting novice TAs and empowering them to lead active, student-centered classrooms. She also supports experienced graduate students and post-docs who are preparing for their teaching careers at UConn and beyond.

Stacey Valliere

Stacey Valliere

Admin. Assistant for Faculty Development

(860) 486-2686

Stacey provides direct support to the directors of the Faculty Development Program, coordinates FDP meetings as well as teaching seminars, orientations, and receptions.

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Andi Kent headshot

Andi Kent, PhD

Assistant Director of Faculty Development


Andi joined UConn and CETL in October 2024 after over a decade as a Political Science professor. Their interests in teaching and learning are broad - including new course design, creating accessible learning spaces and using games in the classroom. An ultimate cheerleader for creative and thoughtful teaching, Andi participates in all types of teaching and learning activities including individual consultation, learning community-type small-group programming and campus-wide initiatives. Because of their experience at regional, teaching institutions, Andi works closely with UConn's regional campuses in Avery Point, Hartford, Stamford and Waterbury.

Faculty Affiliates


David McArdle

Associate Professor in Residence, Department of Mathematics

(860) 486-1281

Dave is an Assistant Professor in Residence in the Department of Mathematics. Dave focuses on incorporating active, project-based learning into this teaching and on enhancing the learning experience for students in large format courses.


Xinnian Chen

Professor in Residence, Physiology and Neurobiology

(860) 486-6169

Xinnian is a Professor in Residence in Physiology and Neurobiology. She teaches Enhanced Human Anatomy and Physiology and runs the HHMI-funded Summer Institute on STEM Teaching training program. As Associate Director, she works to advance evidence based approaches to learning and systematic assessment of pedagogical innovations.

Michael Finiguerra, PhD

Michael Finiguerra, PhD

Associate Professor in Residence, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

(860) 405-9082

Michael is an Associate Professor in Residence in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.  Michael helps instructors, with a focus on graduate students, develop better assessment strategies and understand the current undergraduate population. His latest project involves improving student success for campus change students through peer mentoring. 

Jamie Kleinman, PhD

Jamie Kleinman, PhD

Associate Professor in Residence, Psychological Sciences

(860) 405-9216

Jamie Kleinman is an Associate Professor in Residence in Psychology and one of two University Assessment Faculty Fellows.  Her interests include developing hands-on learning activities, multi-media tools, and specifications grading to create a learning environment that promotes curiosity, engagement, and analysis.

Milagros Castillo-Montoya

Milagros Castillo-Montoya, EdD

Associate Professor, Higher Education and Student Affairs

(860) 486-3250

Milagros is an Associate Professor in Educational Leadership in the Neag School of Education.  Milagros' focus is on inclusive teaching in college classrooms, particularly in terms of enhancing the learning experience for racially minoritized students.


Sarira Motaref, Ph.D., P.E.

Associate Professor in Residence, Civil and Environmental Engineering

(860) 486-2731

Sarira is an Associate Professor in Residence in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the School of Engineering (SOE).  She provides thought leadership throughout the School of Engineering to enhance teaching and learning outcomes in engineering courses and SOE Professional Education programs.

John Redden

John Redden, PhD

Associate Professor in Residence, Physiology and Neurobiology

(860) 486-4708

John is an Associate Professor in Residence in the department of Physiology and Neurobiology.  In his work with CETL, John provides thought leadership about how to elevate teaching and learning outcomes in large courses through active learning and integration of educational technologies.  


Noga Shemer, PhD

Assistant Professor in Residence, Anthropology

(860) 486-2137

Noga is an Assistant Professor in Residence in Anthropology.  Noga's focus is on issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the classroom.

UConn Online (eCampus) Instructional Design and Development

Desmond McCaffrey

Desmond McCaffrey

Director, UConn Online

(860) 486-3121

Desmond oversees UConn initiatives related to the design, development, delivery, and ongoing support of quality online courses and programs. He leads the eCampus Instructional Design unit's faculty development and training initiatives and collaborates with University academic and administrative units to align UConn Online and eCampus efforts with UConn's mission, vision, and values.

Cheryl Sellers

Cheryl Sellers

Administrative Assistant

(860) 486-2364

Cheryl provides direct support to eCampus administrators and staff, and administrative support for faculty working with eCampus staff, including coordination of calendars and eCampus meetings. She also maintains online course databases.

Heather Breittholz headshot

Heather Breittholz (Ph.D.)

Instructional Designer


Heather collaborates with faculty to design and develop student-centered instruction for online and hybrid/blended courses. She is particularly interested in faculty engagement and satisfaction when teaching online with emerging technologies within higher education.

CETL_Betsy Guala

Betsy Guala

Instructional Designer


Betsy collaborates with faculty to design and develop student-centered instruction for fully online, hyrbrid/blended, and flipped courses. She is particularly interested in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and making educational experiences accessible to all learners.


Cathy Healy

Instructional Designer


Cathy works with faculty to design and develop high-quality online and hybrid courses for students. In addition, she collaborates with her eCampus colleagues to develop and facilitate faculty development workshops on a variety of topics related to online teaching and learning.


David Morrow

Assistant Director, eLearning
eLearning Developer


David works with faculty and instructional design staff to develop and implement online and blended courses. He recommends and implements instructional solutions through the use of technology grounded in educational theory and instructional design precepts.

Jennifer Parker

Jennifer Parker

Instructional Designer


Jennifer provides faculty instructional design and technology support for the creation and implementation of online, hybrid, and flipped courses.

Tim Stubbs

Timothy Stubbs

Instructional Designer


Tim collaborates with faculty members to design and develop online and blended courses.

UConn Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Eileen Stuyniski

Eileen Stuyniski

Assistant Director, Instructional Design
Instructional Designer


Eileen uses her pedagogical and technological expertise to collaborate with UConn faculty as they transform their traditional face-to-face courses and programs into high quality online and blended learning experiences.

Zack Goldberg

Zack Goldberg

Instructional Designer


As an instructional designer with over 15 years of classroom and online teaching and instructional design, Zack collaborates with faculty members to design and develop student-centered online and hybrid/blended courses.

UConn Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Simon Wang

Simon Wang

eLearning Developer


Simon analyzes, recommends, develops, and supports innovative instructional solutions using educational technology and instructional design principles and practices. He collaborates with Instructional Developers and faculty to create online courses, eLearning content, and other software-based solutions to identified educational needs.

Kelsey Keefe

Kelsey Keefe

eLearning Developer


Kelsey provides instructional development support by analyzing and creating innovative, technology-based, instructional solutions for various educational settings and needs using educational technology and instructional design methods.

Academic Program Development and Support

Michael Jones

Michael Jones

Director, Academic Program Development & Support Services

(860) 486-5212

Michael provides leadership and direction over the financial, operational, and academic program support functions related to innovative academic programs and their associated units at the university. He coordinates, plans, and implements these programs in collaboration with university administration and program stakeholders.


Donna Lee Campbell

Enrollment Service Specialist

(860) 486-0184

Donna works with program partners to implement Customer Relationship Management (CRM) plans for graduate certificate programs. She works to ensure consistency and transparency in the enrollment inquiry process and supports faculty and staff in promoting student retention and success.


Neal Olderman

Director, State Authorization

(860) 486-0928

Neal is responsible for securing state authorization for UConn’s distance learning programs.  He works closely with eCampus staff, Academic Program Directors, Office of General Counsel, Office of the Provost, and various state regulatory and professional licensure boards.



William Page

Director of Marketing

(860) 486-0692

Bill provides consultation, planning and implementation for CETL and its partners concerning market research, marketing plans, search engine optimization (SEO), customer relationship management (CRM), digital advertising, website development, tracking and analysis.

Sue Schadt

Susan Schadt

Director of Web Design and Digital Strategy, Lead Designer

(860) 486-5652

Sue drives the planning and execution of website site development and creative digital solutions using best practices in SEO, CRM, SEM, LPO, etc. And further, serves as a lead in the engineering and implementation of marketing strategy supporting the engagement and communication plans of CETL units and its partners.

Brian Schremser headshot

Brian Schremser

Enrollment Support Specialist

(860) 786-9188

Brian serves as the primary contact for prospective students interested in UConn’s online graduate programs. In collaboration with faculty and other campus partners, he guides students through the enrollment process from first inquiry to application completion. Additionally, he uses his knowledge and experience with the customer relationship management (CRM) system to implement process improvements and develop enrollment service strategies to enhance student satisfaction.

Jessica Goldfarb headshot, Master's in Data Science Program

Jessica Goldfarb

Academic Advisor, Masters in Data Science Program

(860) 770-0092

Jessica works directly with the students and faculty in the on-campus and online MS Data Science programs from the recruitment and admissions process through course registration, plans of study, and graduation. Jess also supports the administrative needs of the program.

Information Systems and Analytics


William Wan

Data Systems Analyst, Office of Summer and Winter Programs

(860) 486-6179

William works closely with the Office of Summer and Winter programs, overseeing data analysis that informs decision making in relation to scheduling and enrollments, as well as supporting other CETL-wide needs in relation to data analysis, dashboard measures, and reporting.

UConn Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Jeff Winston

Jeff Winston

Director Nexus Student Success Platform

(860) 486-2801

Jeff is the architect of Nexus UConn’s student success platform. He provides operational support for Nexus, and works closely with the academic advising community at UConn to continually enhance the capabilities of Nexus for students and academic advisors. Jeff is responsible for the development and maintenance of applications related to data capturing, sharing, and analysis, in support of faculty and TA training programs (FINS) and university advising practice.

Office of Continuing and Professional Education

Ruth Kustoff image

Ruth Kustoff

Director, Office of Continuing and Professional Education

(860) 486-2681


Ruth oversees noncredit professional development of UConn’s closed enrollment and MOOC programs. She leads the Office of Continuing and Professional Education, providing centralized support to existing continuing education and professional development programs, as well as developing new noncredit programs that include online short courses, webinars, podcasts, and upskilling and reskilling offerings to meet business’ workforce development needs.

Media Production


Gordon Daigle

Director of Media Production 

(860) 486-2472

Gordon works with faculty and staff to produce custom, high-definition media in support of education and instruction, and in support of eCampus supported academic programs.

Center for Excellence and Teaching and Learning, Michael Illuzzi

Michael Illuzzi

Media Producer

(860) 486-1759

Mike works with faculty and staff to produce custom, high-definition media in support of education and instruction, and in support of eCampus supported academic programs.

Office of Early College Experience

Chris Todd

Christopher Todd

Executive Director, OECP

(860) 486-8828

Christopher provides leadership and support to the Office of Early College Programs staff, faculty and ECE instructors on behalf of Connecticut schools, districts and students. He is responsible for providing unit-wide vision and strategic direction, assuring academic oversight of high school partner programs and coordination with UConn academic departments regarding standards and course comparability.

Melanie Ochoa

Melanie Banks

Program Assistant, Academic Standards

(860) 486-3419
Email: melanie.ochoa@uconn.edu

Melanie Ochoa is the Program Assistant for Academic Standards at the Office of Early College Programs. Melanie is responsible for supporting accreditation standards by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships to improve course comparability of the UConn courses offered at the high schools.

Nella Quasnitschka

Nella Quasnitschka

Associate Director OECP

(860) 486-5581

Nella is responsible for developing and strengthening the Early College Experience Program's academic relationships with the more than 170 partner high schools throughout Connecticut.  In addition, she provides leadership for UConn's Pre-College Summer Program.

Todd Blodgett

Todd Blodgett

Program Asst, Registration Coord. OECP

(860) 486-0702

Todd is responsible for coordinating the registration process of ECE courses with partner high schools and facilitates course creation with the Registrar's Office.


Jessica Dunn

Registration Specialist, OECP

(860) 486-4650

Jessica is the Registration Specialist for the Early College Experience Program (ECE). Jessica is responsible for managing the student registration process, and providing program and administrative support to ECE students and faculty.


Stefanie Malinoski

Instructor Certification Coordinator

(860) 486-1045

Stefanie is responsible for maintaining program records and ECE professional development workshops. She also manages the instructor certification process.

Carissa Rutkauskas

Carissa Rutkauskas

Program Coordinator for Outreach and Evaluation, OECP

(860) 486-6055
carissa rutkauskas@uconn.edu

Carissa responsibilities include program assessment, evaluation, and research initiatives for OECP; program information and national trends; developing programs at the high school level; and OECP website and marketing coordination.

Erin Blanchette headshot

Erin Blanchette

Billing & Operations Specialist


Erin Blanchette is the Billing & Operations Specialist in the Office of Early College Programs. Erin is responsible for managing the student billing and financial records for ECE students and for the financial operations for ECE and Pre-College Summer Programs. Erin attended the University of Connecticut where she earned Bachelor's degree.

Office of Summer and Winter Programs

Mike Pigott, Office of Summer and Winter Programs

Mick Pigott

Executive Director, Office of Summer and Winter Programs

(860) 486-2721

Mick provides leadership, support, and strategic direction for the university’s summer and winter terms. He is responsible for managing a broad range of collaborative efforts between university leadership, faculty, staff, and public stakeholders, to ensure the efficient operation and success of all summer/winter programs.

Kelly Racine

Kelly O'Meara

Business Manager, Office of Summer
and Winter Programs

(860) 486-1967

Kelly serves as liaison for student and business services with Regional Campuses, Schools and Colleges, and University central offices.  She supports operational and financial areas, oversees faculty payroll, and assists departments in planning and scheduling offerings.

David Colberg

David Colberg

Faculty Contracts Coordinator, Office of Summer and Winter Programs

(860) 486-4842

Dave is the Faculty Contracts Coordinator for the Office of Summer and Winter Programs. His responsibilities include working with human resources, payroll, and labor relations to coordinate special payroll authorizations, instructor and teaching assistant offers, and associated onboarding procedures. Dave is also involved in the day-to-day operations of the program.

Jack Greenwood

Jack Greenwood Jr.

Program Assistant, Office of Summer and Winter Programs

(860) 486-3122

Jack assists with daily business and programmatic operations in the Office of Summer and Winter Programs.  His responsibilities include the coordination of Summer & Winter communications, assistance with marketing campaigns, maintenance of all Summer & Winter website content, as well as assisting the office with research and data analytic projects.

Office of Academic Program Assessment

Lauren Schlesselman, CETL

Lauren Schlesselman

Executive Director, Academic Program Assessment


Lauren provides support for undergraduate and graduate academic programs on their assessment needs across a wide range of activities. She often works with programs on defining objectives and measures of student success, developing key performance indicators, and mapping the curriculum; expanding curricular awareness and supporting curricular revision; increasing data access and awareness. Lauren assists programs with specialized accreditation with their assessment activities. She also oversees the UASCEND grant funded by the Davis Educational Foundation.

Sally Chamberland headshot, CETL

Sally Chamberland

Assistant Director, Academic Program Assessment


Sally provides support for faculty on the assessment of academic programs, in particular assessment of the Common Curriculum. She offers assessment-related professional development training, including the use of Blackboard EAC and reflection on assessment data. Sally guides faculty across different academic disciplines in the alignment of direct and indirect measures of assessments to academic program and Common Curriculum objectives.

Quantitative Learning Center

Amit Savkar headshot

Amit Savkar

Director, Q Center

(860) 486-1961

Amit is the director of the Quantitative Learning Center.  He supervises the educational operations of the Q Center - tutoring, workshops, review sessions, training programs - and provides feedback for academic departments across the university about their quantitative courses based on the visitor data gathered at the Q Center.

Diane Briody

Diane Briody

Program Coordinator, Q Center

(860) 486-1961

Diane coordinates the day-to-day operations of the Q Center. She handles the hiring, supervising and scheduling of the tutoring staff, manages the budget, organizes review sessions, and facilitates training workshops for tutors.

Writing Center

Tom Deans

Tom Deans

Director, Writing Center

(860) 486-9728

Tom oversees all Writing Center operations and leads workshops for faculty and graduate instructors on how they might more effectively teach writing in the disciplines; he is also a professor in the English Department, where he teaches courses in writing, rhetoric, and literature.


Kathleen Tonry

Associate Director, Writing Center

(860) 486-9104

Kathleen leads tutor staff development and training. She is also a professor in the English department, with research interests in medieval literature and Writing Center studies.

Alexander Menrisky-headshot, UConn Writing Center

Alexander Menrisky

Interim Associate Director, Writing Center


Alex leads tutor staff hiring, training, and development. He is also an assistant professor in the Department of English department, with research interests and teaching responsibilities in environmental rhetoric and literature.

UConn Writing Center, margaret.bugingo headshot

Margaret Bugingo

Educational Program Coordinator, Writing Center


Margaret coordinates the day-to-day operations of the Writing Center. She manages budget and personnel, maintains the website and social media, organizes events, facilitates workshops, and works to foster an inclusive and accessible environment for all writers.